Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Coupon VIDEO! & 30 Days of Shades: Day 25 Green Eyeliner

I'm really liking this eyeliner! You can watch the video below too see how to get it from CVS while saving $$! :) It is the Physician's Formula gel eyeliner..the green one. It came with a brush too. The eyeshadow is very subtle. It's the Sunkissed Olive (from the video) eyeshadow duo from Maybelline. I used the lightest shade on the lid, and the darker shade in the crease. (My flash does wash it out a bit, but it is a very light subtle olive green.) I also used the mascara from the video, which I am liking--Maybelline One by One.
Can't wait to try the blue eyeliner. I also want to get the set for brown eyes with the purple liner...but that will have to wait until I get another coupon!

Watch this video to learn how to get your CVS deals for the week! (OH! BTW-- I wanted to do the Clean and Clear deal too, but they were out of the body washes...so they wrote me a Raincheck! Always ask! They may even have items in the back that they will get for you.. just like the Dove deodorant that I bought.)

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