Saturday, March 12, 2011

Crafty Things!

Have you guys missed me?? I bet you thought I forgot all about my blog, didn't you?? Well, I didn't! It has been a busy couple of weeks for me..and when something has to take a back burner, unfortunately, it's the blog! I have done more typing than I ever want to do again these last few weeks, along with completing some of the projects that I have promised people.
I made 21 bows for an Avon event being held in Vegas, I sewed two owls, and worked on making a couple of aprons just a little more fabulous! That was all last weekend, not to mention just the everyday things that keep me busy-- the main two being my 1-year-old and my 3-year-old daughters!

Now, I cannot crochet to save my life...not well anyway unless you can count just a chain stitch, so my wonderful Meme made the crochet flowers to go on these owls. Aren't they cute? I think they are the perfect accent!

I found these aprons at Hobby Lobby. I really wanted to make some aprons, or "aprils" as Addison likes to call them for the girls, but I came across these for $5.99 each, and i just couldn't pass them up. It would have cost way more than that to make them from scratch, with the cost of material being so high nowdays! It really is crazy what 1-yard of fabric costs! I thought these were cute enough to frou-frou up, and it was super easy!
I got out my trusty CriCut machine and cut the initials out of fusible web backed material, and pinned and sewed them on! It was a super quick and easy little craft project. Everyone likes something personalized, right?!
Addison of course got the pink one. Anything she ever picks will be pink if there is a choice. Macyn has the green one. :)
I actually brought this owl to the coffee shop with me to deliver. While I was there, I got a couple of orders, and ran into a local business owner who asked me to make some for her shop. I told her I would think about it. I am just not sure I have the time to do that right now, but it really would be cool to have my stuff in a store! We will see....

So, here are a few of the things that have been keeping me busy the last couple of weeks! I am ready to start a few projects to help finish out my studio though. One of these days, I will have it like I want it, with the furniture and all in there--one step at a time!

1 comment:

  1. Cute stuff, Amber...I LOVE the owl on the bottom...beautiful fabric the contrast!!!
